> > Now for the question: which window manager are you using for audio work > and why? I don't mean for this to start a flame war... notice it wasn't I recently switched from FVWM to wmi http://wmi.berlios.de. (http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=WMI_-_Window_Manager_I mproved/Screenshots contains a shot of WMI running PD) Wmi is a tiling window manager like ion or rat poison that also supports floating windows. All features of wmi can be accessed through vi like key commands (it has "work" mode and an "input" mode for issuing commands). I have have started to really get into the speed and effeciancy that comes from not having to constantly move your hand off the keyboard to grab for the mouse or pen. It may not be completely appropriate for a lot of GUI apps that don't have shortcut keys for everything, but for what I do (Jack and pd with the occasional SEQ24) it works pretty well. m. _________________________________________________ Scanned on 11 Aug 2004 20:10:11 Scanning by http://erado.com