Mark Knecht <markknecht@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Pro Tools > > (sorry it was a non-Linux answer!) It surprises me that they've not ported to linux yet. You can't really run their software without their hardware, they have something of a UNIX heritage, if they were to open source the software it would do them wonders as pr/advertisement, it would give them the benefits of linux developers and get them as firmly entrenched in the linux world as they are everywhere else. {Same for Creamware.} {{Linux strikes me as being vastly more suited to industrial scale applications than anything else. Lower latency, more stability, it's open source and it's free.}} Seeing as movie folk and major 3d apps are already running on linux it really seems that there's a need there. {Not to dis linux developers but you do need compatibility, standards and apps that folk know how to work.}