On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:06:37AM -0700, Ken Locarnini wrote: > I've used Csound alot in the past too. Mostly command line from Common Music which I like alot. I'm trying to go more real-time though now. I just decided I would try and get into PD! Csound can do realtime stuff also. > > How is your orchestra set-up. Do you have 1 synth per instrument per channel? I always had a hard time in Csound as I wanted to have 1 synth per 16 channels and have them all have their own set of presets. PD supports multiple midi ports so I thought that would probably work, though learning another language will be tough as I know Csound well. I also want the graphic routines, and as you know Csound dosen't have the Opengl stuff in Linux, (yet). I also don't understand the status of Csound right now. Is anyone actually working on coding Csound5? I'm on the lists but can't tell. csound supports that also. This is how you bind different instruments to midi channels: ; massign ichnl, insnum massign 1, 1 massign 2, 2 ;bind instr 2 to midi channel 2 massign 3, 2 openGL support I don't know about that but you can use fltk controlers or tk sliders. A good environment maybe cecilia using fltk controlers and or tk sliders. The fltk controlers can be data entry fields sliders, nobs, or whatever. On the other hand pd can use csound as an extension. Can you do non realtime stuff in pd. I was wondering if you can render stuff as a wav or aiff in non realtime. The reason I ask is if you have extremly complex tasks that your computer can't do in realtime you have that rendered instead. Then if you can composite openGL and the audio together into a format similar to divx or something that would be really cool. Right now I am using gimp,povray, or blender to do animation like stuff and csounds for audio. I then composit them in Cinelerra. Jeremiah