Joerg Anders wrote: > Have also a look at: > > Yes, NoteEdit might be more the sort of thing you need at this point. Even though the image linked above doesn't include half of the notation you want, it's still closer than you can do in Rosegarden right now, because Rosegarden won't currently allow you to mark a note explicitly as flat when it's already marked as flat in the key signature (unless of course the same pitch has a different accidental somewhere earlier in the bar). This just reflects the rather different focus of the two applications -- Rosegarden is principally a compositional tool (it likes to have a fairly unambiguous idea of what pitches you intend), and NoteEdit more a pure notation tool (it will permit you to enter things like the above without having to be clear about how they're actually interpreted). Rosegarden will one day get the ability to do all of these things, but NoteEdit will inevitably get them sooner, partly because it doesn't have to care as much about all the performance baggage. Chris