>>>>> "anahata" == anahata <anahata@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: >> Do you use abc2midi anahata> One time I used abcmidi on a tune that happened to be in anahata> 3/4 and it added a completely inapropriate Oom-pa-pa anahata> waltz accompaniment (it was supposed to be a lyrical anahata> song). After that I didn't bother with it much :-) You can turn that off: %%MIDI gchordoff I like having the MIDI to proofread with -- I can read music, too, but following the original while listening to the MIDI is easier on the eyes than looking back and forth between the original and the one I've typeset. And I frequently typeset music I don't know, so that I can play it with my group. I also recommend using: %%MIDI ratio 3 1 since otherwise the abc '>' construct is given an interpretation that's idiomatic to some style the abc2midi author uses all the time. -- Laura (mailto:lconrad@xxxxxxxxxxxx , http://www.laymusic.org/ ) (617) 661-8097 fax: (801) 365-6574 233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139