Steve Harris wrote: > Cool. I heard an Elliott 803 (enormous early 60s realtime machine) playing > tunes by modulating the tape puncher (I think) off one of its serial > lines. The serial cable was about the thickness of a mans arm and attached > with hefty bolts. Makes USB look elegant ;) > > > > Its in the computer preservation society at Beltchly Park in the UK. wow... is it up and running?... i never noticed it there.... but i went about 2 years ago.... thats a good enough excuse as any to visit - along with sampling their enigma machines again (its an enigma on the front page of i suppose that brings us vaguely back on topic... oh to hell with it. right. i wanna do one of those things - line printer or dotmatrix - and then control it via xtend or something on my linux box.... any ideas? m~ -- |\ _,,,---,,_ ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ HTTP 503: Too Busy |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL .::. .::. .::. gnupg key ID: AEB7A31E