thanks... i am very interested in this now... as my regular work is writing articles to campaign for digital rights and against DRM this connects with accessibility issues... i only wish i had the programming skills to get on board and help for GNU/Linux... i guess i can help with advocacy though. theres nothing like being forced into a positioin like this to make you wake up and see what its like every day for some people.... actually, if anyone has an old copy of the IBM ViaVoice SDK for Linux, i'd be interested to know... i came across XVoice which looked so nice and simple but runs on the IBM SDK. they're moving to the Sphinx engine but this looks complex to compile... i looked at their mailing list and found a lot of stuff i couldnt understand....! thanks again m~ Robert Jonsson wrote: > > Yes, it is magnitudes harder to do. I used to be involved in that industry, > and the applications that do it are very few, the ones that do it well can > easily be counted on one hand. The big apps are Windows only, IBM has an > application called viaVoice that is a speech recognition package that > actually is available on Linux though. > Or should I say, WAS available, I've heard they have discontinued it. > > As for open implementations I can't give any direct pointers, there may be > some info at any of the universities that do speech research, though I'm > sorry to say, I haven't found much. > > e.g. > > > > /Robert > > > > -- |\ _,,,---,,_ ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ HTTP 503: Too Busy |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL .::. .::. .::. gnupg key ID: AEB7A31E