> > I can respect the request not "to make music that is again > God and Jesus Christ", I mean, anybody is entitled to his > believe and to spread that believe through his software, > but the generalization "(eg. HeavyMetal, NewAge,..etc..)" > is such a demonstration of ignorance that I will refuse to > use ZynAddSubFX. Generalization is a basic principle of > rascism and fascism. > > Maarten > Hi, I was on vacation for a few days or I might have jumped in a bit earlier on this. I will only point out that this exact discussion has come up every time Paul puts out a new release of his software. I don't know whether the folks here do not search the archives, or whether they forget this clause from release to release, as I sometimes do, but this is all covered ground. My (personal, not legal) reading of this is that it's really up to the user to decide what he's doing. I (personally, not legally) agree with you and do not think that when I play new age music, or shred a bit with my guitar, that I'm making music against God and Jesus Christ. If someone else does, then they should not use the software, or they could use it and understand that they may be in violation of Paul's license, thus risking a suit from Paul. I (personally, not legally) think Paul has the right to make any additional restrictions to the use of his software that he sees fit. This is his software. I support his right to do this, and I'm not even a regular attendee of any religious institution. Anyway, asked and answered many times over the last year. With best reards, Mark