Hi all, Announcing immediate availability of Soundmesh Internet2 audio streaming software. 1. What is Soundmesh Soundmesh is a result of a collaborative work with Mara Helmuth. It originally started as an "Internet Sound Exchange" Internet2 project and has since grown to become a full-fledged audio streaming front-end. The sole purpose of this app is to provide a mechanism for streaming multiple CD-quality (or better) audio soundfiles via fast Internet2 connection, utilizing hacked version of the RTcmix v.3.1.0. Hence, Soundmesh provides for a unique "jamming" tool via Internet for a larger groups of participants. 2. Obtaining Soundmesh Soundmesh is currently only available in a source form and is downloadable from my website. It's download is broken into 2 parts: the soundmesh front-end (~530KB)and the hacked full version of the RTcmix3.1.0 (8.2MB). They can be obtained using the following direct URL's: http://meowing.ccm.uc.edu/~ico/soundmesh/soundmesh-latest.tar.gz (~530KB) http://meowing.ccm.uc.edu/~ico/soundmesh/rtcmix-soundmesh.tar.gz (8.2MB) Alternately, you can also find the download links on my website. Documentation is also available: http://meowing.ccm.uc.edu/~ico/soundmesh/Documentation.txt Screenshot: http://meowing.ccm.uc.edu/~ico/soundmesh/Screenshot.jpg 3. Current Limitations *Soundmesh obviously does not currently support modular numbers of incoming and outgoing streams. This is something that is planned for a future release. *Perl (.pl) scorefiles are supported in soundmesh but do not work in RTcmix *Python RTcmix scorefiles are currently not supported and do not work with either soundmesh or this version of RTcmix *A number of playable streams before "gapping" occurs varies depending on the quality of a stream and the internet connection. Considering that this is an Internet2 project, chances are your modem connection will simply not work [well or at all]. *Sound played via network is not heard locally (should be a quick fix). *Connections are not secure. 4. Disclaimer Copyright Mara Helmuth & Ivica Ico Bukvic 2001-3 Linux version distributed under the GPL license (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for more info) This software comes with no warranty whatsoever! Use at your own risk! Best wishes, Ivica Ico Bukvic, composer & multimedia sculptor http://meowing.ccm.uc.edu/~ico