Greetings: My thanks to everyone who replied to this subject. Lots of good ideas, I'll definitely put some of them to use. Here a few more notes on what I plan to do : Red Hat (Fedora?) or Mandrake install totally GUI for the user Crossover stuff (thanks for the reminders!) And here's what they have for peripherals : a scanner, not sure what kind an HP printer (610C ? 810C ? I'll find out later... ) Things they need to do include : Web browsing print from Web (color, b&w) on-line banking via Web browser (I'm afraid IE may be required, don't know though) print from file manager (color, b&w) operate scanner basic image editing Their net connection is DSL through SBC/Yahoo. I don't expect problems with that, I had the same connectivity at my old apartment, no problems with various Linux distros. They don't have games installed, they don't really run any apps beyond the browser. My only concern is wrt the on-line banking requirements. Does anyone here do on-line banking via a Linux browser ? Best regards, == dp