Hi! If you aren't afraid of using csound, then there is a very nice b3-emulation. Just go Dave Phillips' page at http://linux-sound.org, then click csound & cmix and then "csound page by yours truly" or something like that. There he has some links to sco/orc files. There is one sound, which is designed to be used with midi. He has also provied a demo-file. It sounded indeed very convincing to me. And there you have a lesslie. :-) Kindest regards Julien Julien Patrick Claassen jclaassen@xxxxxx julien@xxxxxxxx http://www.geocities.com/jjs_home SBS C-LAB Fuerstenallee 11 33102 Paderborn Phone: (+49) 5251 60 6060 Fax: (+49) 5251 60 6065 www.c-lab.de