On Sat, 26 Apr 2003, Paul Winkler wrote: > Subject: [linux-audio-user] ICE1712 & Quake? > > Did anybody ever get a game such as QIII arena to work with an ice1712? > > linux games seem to work with ALSA only by using the OSS emulation, > and they seem to want to access the card via mmap. > i wonder if i could get it to work with my delta66 via a clever > .asoundrc setup??? > > -- > All my games run fine using the OSS emulation with my Delta 44 (Unreal 2003, Neverwinter Nights, loki games). Is there a problem with OSS emulation on the Delta 66? JB ___________________________________ John Bleichert syborg@xxxxxxxxxxx http://vonbek.dhs.org -----------------------------------