Are you running a mixer with mics with a line out into the sblive? On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, Daniel James wrote: > > Does the name come from the network transparent windowing protocol > > we all know and love? > > Yes indeed. As an experiment, I've decided to build the studio using 100% host > based processing and only Linux software. > > We started with a PII 450 and an SBLive to get a feel for what an old computer > could achieve with free software - given that many musicians are on below > average incomes. Accessibility is important to me - I can't advocate 'entry > level' setups costing thousands of pounds or dollars. Based on our results > with Audacity, I'd say the system is an accessible but very significant > upgrade to a cassette-based 4 track. > > The next step is a P4 2.4GHz with an M Audio Delta 1010, which is the sort of > thing the specialist suppliers here are offering to project studios and the > like. The aim is to record and produce a decent quality CD by the autumn. > > Cheers > > Daniel >