Darren, the Sarge version of Demudi is unofficial [actually, the source below is Guenter Geiger's own development version], so use with caution. try it by adding this to your apt-get sources: deb http://devel.demudi.org/demudi sarge demudi then 'apt-get update' if you want to use the Demudi kernel, you will still have to do a few things: 1) first, after upgrading to Sarge, 'apt-get install demudi-base'. once the Alsa, Jack and kernel packages have been installed, add the line initrd=/initrd.img to your lilo.conf BEFORE rebooting [don't forget the 'lilo' prompt after this...] 2) mkdir /dev/shm 3) add the following line to /etc/fstab: none /dev/shm shm defaults 0 0 [this is a virtual file system which Jack uses. you will run Jack as user, not as root. if you run it as root, it will make a logfile in /dev/shm that will jam up everything, and you will have to remove this file to continue.] 4) reboot. if all goes well, you will boot into Demudi kernel, and then you can 'apt-get install demudi-soundapps'. 5) Demudi uses info from an app called Discover to configure your Alsa settings for your soundcard. this wasn't too reliable last I checked, so if Alsa doesn't keep your soundcard info after each reboot, I recommend you configure it manually, with info from the Alsa soundcard matrix on the Alsa site, in the following places: /etc/asoundrc /etc/modutils/aliases look here for more tips on this if you don't know how to do this: http://myweb.cableone.net/eviltwin69/ALSA_JACK_ARDOUR.html good luck, Derek Darren Warner wrote: >Thanks for the info Derek - this is very useful. > >Where do you get sarge DeMuDi? Both agnula.org and demudi.org mention >woody & sid, but nothing in between. > > >