el Tue, 22 Apr 2003 21:37:41 -0700 "svz" <svz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió: > VIM is the way - see the light - use VIM. do you use my vim files for csound? will make your life -and all vimers'- brighter. syntax coloration, templates, one key macros for compiling your orchestras and playing your sound files without leaving vim are some of the highlights. referred to by former distinguished vim user -now sadly converted to emacs- linux audio guru dave phillips as "cool". yes, they have been a bit unattended as of late, but i'm planning to update and improve them very soon. i have some new features in mind. in the meanwhile, you can direct your browser to: http://www.eumus.edu.uy/docentes/jure/csound/vim/ suggestions, bug reports, help, greatly appreciated. lj happy csounding... with vim!