Hi! Sorry for the english .. :-) SoundFontCombi takes the advantages of ALSA sequencer and the wavetable devices for emulate a synthetizer. I'm not programmer, this program dont have project page, CVS, or mailing list, is in proof of concept rigth now. And only the binaries are available. Is my first program in C++, my first graphic program for *nix, and belive me the source code needs a "making up" rigth now. Maybe next month when i learned how to do a Makefile :-) SoundFontCombi was tested in Debian sid and Gentoo. Requires FLTK v1.x.x (tested on v1.1.1) and ALSA with sequencer. The binaries are available in : http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/soudfontcombi/sfc-v0.005.tar.gz Any commets will be apreciated. Josep