Hi Nick: Sorry to address these questions/comments on the list but I've written to your email addy and got no response. Regarding compiling teknocomposer 0.3.1 under RH 7.2 and GCC 2.96: 1. Sequencer.cpp requires #include <stdlib.h> 2. MainWindow.cxx requires #include "SoundDriver.h" 3. The files for Loops and Waves are missing, where can I retrieve them ? (I downloaded the DrumWaves stuff but the loops weren't included). 4. Any tutorial examples anywhere ? 5. The program opens and looks like fun but I haven't got a peep out of it yet. Any obvious moves I'm probably missing ? Best regards, == Dave Phillips The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at http://www.nostarch.com/lms.htm The Linux Soundapps Site at http://linux-sound.org