Hi ron, No sweat. I thought I'd try it because I don't use that module so much, anyways, so I didn't mind loosing data. I have been able to reset it, no problem and even upload the original SySex (ah, those 80's memories). I even have some of my own sysex dumps somewhere in the backup CDs. Anyways, at least the linux community knows now that cat x.mid >/dev/midi doesn't really work. I would assume that editing the dump file (generated via cat /dev/midi >dump) into correct sequences of SySex messages and sending them sequentially (via a script?) might still work. On a related note, I noticed (a while ago) that I have been unable to record a sysex dump to a MIDI sequencer (I tried MuSe and perhaps seq24) and then play it back into the unit (I mean I can record and play but I always get checksum errors). Other people's SySex in .mid format works for me. It could be that it's my synth sending erroneus SySex. I haven't really looked into it in detail. This is still with a Roland GR-50. I know that some of the D series models had a bug with checksum calculations. If anyone has any idea about this, let me know. But it's no rush. I would have forgotten all about this if it wasn't for this thread. I guess I can blame Ron for reminding me of my old problems :) cheers. ./MiS On Sat, 12 Apr 2003 07:02:22 -0700 (PDT) R wrote: > Hi Michal, > > Damned, I feel bad about what happened to your synth. > I needed a solution, googled that thread and replied > to my own message. It looked promising. Were you able > to reset your synth? > > A google search for "Roland GR-50 sysex dump" > produced: > http://www.hotkey.net.au/~citymusic/specs/RolandInits.txt > with the following entry is: > GR-50(D): Power on holding down WRITE, EXT & VALUE > UP.(Sysex Midi file which restores factory sounds is > available) > > For the immediate, I'll probably use the Mac > application MidiGraphy for SysEx dumps with my DM-24 > mixing consol. > > ron >