Version 2.1.1 of the score editor NoteEdit for Linux is available: New features: - staff context (the actual clef and key signature is shown at the left hand side during replay; configurable) - (again) KDE2/Qt2 compatible Please note: I cannot really test this. For a long run I recommend an KDE3/QT3 update. - double bar - Segno issues (see also "example1.not"): o Segno o dal Segno o dal Segno al Fine o dal Segno al Coda o Fine o Coda Please set these signs in every staff, otherwise ... (don't know ???) Furthermore, it is your responsibiltity to place the signs in a reasonable manner. Otherwise the replay behaviour is undefined. - MUP users: I didn't comprehend some parts of MUP. Thus, I stored some items in a non-MUP-conform manner. As a result some files were not MUP-able. Now I changed some of these parts, among them: o Slurs: I claimed MUP cannot deal with slures which lead over more than 2 notes. This is not true! NoteEdit-2.1.1 now produces a MUP-comfrom representation of such slurs. This holds for the 1st and 2nd voice. From 3rd voice on the representation remains MUP-incompatible. o "lonely" trills: I claimed MUP cannot deal with so-called "lonely" trills (wavy lines without "tr" symbol). But this is not true. NoteEdit-2.1.1 now produces a MUP-comfrom representation of such trills. o Empty lyrics: I claimed MUP cannot deal with partly missing lyrics in a measure. This is not true. NoteEdit-2.1.1 now produces a MUP-comfrom representation of such lyrics. I apologize to the MUP developers for these wrong statements. Before asking this: Of cource, NoteEdit can still read the old representation. So if you want a MUP conform version of some non-MUP-conform "*.not" file simply load the the file an save it again. -- J.Anders, Chemnitz, GERMANY (ja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)