On Sat, Apr 05, 2003 at 09:26:44 -0500, Chris wrote: > Maxtor 7200 8megbuffer 80 gb hardrives (2 Will be done in IDE RAID) I recommend Seagate Barracuda IV's, very quiet. I wouldn't use RAID for audio, and especially not hardware IDE RAID - lots of people at work have had volumes wiped out by dodgy hardware IDE RIAD controllers (even reputable ones) and if your card goes pop getting the data back can be very hard. Someone (possibly Mark K.) posted bad experiences with RAID and latency too. I only use it for situations where throughput is important (eg. database servers), for audio its not a big deal. 32 channels of 32bit audio is only 5MB/s, any current disk can do that without breaking sweat, random link: http://www6.tomshardware.com/storage/20030402/250_gb-04.html#data_transfer_diagram > lastly: Does anyone know if the Zahlman CNPS7000-cu will work on an Athlon > XP chip? Everything I saw only mentioned a P4 or a Clawhammer chip. I I'm using a 6000-cu FWIW, its fine, but you have to run the fan, at minimum speed it pretty quiet though. - Steve