hello/dear linux or advanced assembly language proramers: I copied a assembly code/program from book "IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming", 5th ed, Peter Abel page 350, chapter18, last section's program, which according to author is Select and delete files I am on window 7 32bit and download/using masm 6.15(or6.14) to compile it to generate obj and exe file the result, when it run, it can show the files in my directory and ask me whether I will(delete=Y, Keep=N, <enter>=exit), but when I tried to delete(Y), after complete, I check the directory which contain files I intend to delete by this exe program, I found they still there, none be delete or modified. please help ---------------- TITLE A18SELDL (EXE) Select and delete files CODESG SEGMENT PARA 'Code' .MODEL SMALL .STACK 64 .DATA MSSG_LEN EQU 32 ROW DB 00 ;Screen row COL DB 10 ; and column PATHNAME DB 'C:\temp\*.*', 00H DELMSG DB 'Delete? ' ENDMSG DB 'No more directory entries ' ERRMSG1 DB 'Invalid path/file ' ERRMSG2 DB 'Write-protected disk ' PROMPT DB 'Y = Delete, N = Keep, Ent = Exit' DISKAREA DB 43 DUP(20H) ;---------------------------------------------------------- .CODE A10MAIN PROC NEAR ;Main procedure MOV AX,@data ;Initialize MOV DS,AX ; segment MOV ES,AX ; registers MOV AX,0003H ;Set video mode INT 10H ; and clear screen CALL B10FIRST ; directory entry CMP AX,00H ;If no entries JNE A90 ; exit MOV CX,MSSG_LEN ;Length of prompt LEA BP,PROMPT ;Display initial prompt CALL F10DISPLY INC ROW A20: CALL D10MESSG ;Display filename CALL E10DELETE ;Delete it requested CMP AL,0FFH ;Request for finish? JE A90 ; yes, exit INC ROW ;Set next row CALL C10NEXT ;Get next directory entry CMP AX,00H ;Any more entries? JE A20 ; yes, continue A90: MOV AX,4C00H ; no, end processing INT 21H A10MAIN ENDP ; Find first entry in directory: ; ------------------------------ B10FIRST PROC NEAR ;Uses AX, BP, CX, DX MOV AH,1AH ;Get DTA for function LEA DX,DISKAREA ; calls INT 21H MOV AH,4EH ;Locate first directory MOV CX,00 ; entry LEA DX,PATHNAME ;Address of ASCIIZ string INT 21H JNC B90 ;Valid operation? PUSH AX ; no, MOV CX,MSSG_LEN ; display ending LEA BP,ERRMSG1 CALL F10DISPLY ; POP AX B90: RET B10FIRST ENDP ; Find succeeeding entries in directory: ; -------------------------------------- C10NEXT PROC NEAR ;Uses AX, BP, CX MOV AH,4FH ;Read next INT 21H ; directory entry CMP AX,00H ;More entries? JE C90 ; yes, bypass PUSH AX ; no, MOV CX,MSSG_LEN ; display ending LEA BP,ENDMSG ; message CALL F10DISPLY POP AX C90: RET C10NEXT ENDP ; Calculate length of filename and display: ; ----------------------------------------- D10MESSG PROC NEAR ;Uses AL, BP, CX, DI MOV COL,10 MOV CX,08 ;Length of message LEA BP,DELMSG ;Display delete message CALL F10DISPLY MOV COL,18 LEA DI,DISKAREA+30 ;Filename in DTA MOV AL,00H ;Scan for 13 bytes MOV CX,13 ; for hex 00s REPNE SCASB ; in disk area NEG CX ;Calc. length ADD CX,13 ; of filename LEA BP,DISKAREA+1EH ;Display CALL F10DISPLY ; filename RET D10MESSG ENDP ; Delete record if requested; ; --------------------------- E10DELETE PROC NEAR ;Uses AX, BP, CX, DX MOV AH,10H ;Accept character INT 16H ; reply (y/n) CMP AL,0DH ;Enter character? JE E80 ; yes, exit OR AL,00100000B ;Force lowercase CMP AL,'y' ;Delete requested? JNE E90 ; no, bypass MOV AH,41H ; LEA DX,DISKAREA+1EH ; address of filename INT 21H ; delete entry JNC E90 ;Valid delete? MOV CX,MSSG_LEN ; no, display LEA BP,ERRMSG2 ; warning message CALL F10DISPLY ; E80: MOV AL,0FFH ;End-of-process indicator E90: RET E10DELETE ENDP ; Display routine: ; ----------------;Uses AX, BX, DX F10DISPLY PROC NEAR ;BP, CX set on entry MOV AX,1301H ;Reguest display line MOV BX,0016H ;Page:attribute MOV DH,ROW MOV DL,COL INT 10H RET F10DISPLY ENDP END A10MAIN _____________________________________________________________ Luxmail.com -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-assembly" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
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