You need the AMD64 Application Binary Interface (v0.99) available at In particular, see Figure 3.4 on page 21. Pay attention to the use of rax. The default for floating point in x88-64 is the SSE unit. If a function will accept floating point arguments (for example, printf) the number of floating point arguments must be placed in eax. Write a C program that calls printf and use the -S option to see the assembly language. A good way to see what the compiler is doing to C code is to use the following options: $ gcc -O0 -g -Wa,-adhls -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables \ > myProg.c > myProg.lst (I added the "\" here to avoid confusing word wrapping.) Bob On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 12:20 -0800, £ukasz wrote: > Hi. > I started to write assembler functions for C on 64-bit arch. On 32-bit arch. every parameters ware put on stack, now is different, what can be easyly seen reading source program. For example if im passing one > (int *) parameter, adress (&int) is kept in %rdi register, and so one if u are passing more parameters. Ofcurse is not dificult to use it if u know but is there any key according to which parameters are stored?. I've made some "experiments" with different numbers and kind parameters, but the "key" must be described somewhere. > > Luke -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-assembly" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at
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