suffix or operands invalid for

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I've done some scripting but don't consider myself a programmer.  I
ran across "Programming from the Ground Up" and thought it would be an
interesting project.  At any rate I'm having problems compiling a
program I've copied out of the book.  I'm hoping someone can help me
out.  Thanks for any help.

Here are the errors when I run "as power.s -o power.o":

power.s: Assembler messages:
power.s:14: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
power.s:15: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
power.s:19: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
power.s:22: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
power.s:23: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
power.s:27: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
power.s:61: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
power.s:85: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'

The code:

.section .data

.section .text

.globl _start
pushl $3        #push second argument
pushl $2        #push first argument
call power      #call the function
addl $8, %esp   #move the stack pointer back

pushl %eax      #save the first answer before
               #calling the next function

pushl $2        #push second argument
pushl $5        #push first argument
call power      #call the function
addl $8, %esp   #move the stack pointer back

popl %ebx       #The second answer is already
               #in %eax. We saved the
               #first answer onto the stack,
               #so now we can just pop it
               #out into %ebx
addl %eax, %ebx #add them together
               #the result is in %ebx

movl $1, %eax   #exit (%ebx is returned)
int $0x80
.type power, @function
pushl %ebp              #save old base pointer
movl %esp, %ebp         #make stack pointer the base pointer
subl $4, %esp           #get room for our local storage

movl 8(%ebp), %ebx      #put first argument in %eax
movl 12(%ebp), %ecx     #put second argument in %ecx

movl %ebx, -4(%ebp)     #store current result

cmpl $1, %ecx           #if the power is 1, we are done
je end_power
movl -4(%ebp), %eax     #move the current result into %eax

imull %ebx, %eax        #multiply the current result by
                       #the base number
movl %eax, -4(%ebp)     #store the current result

decl %ecx               #decrease the power
jmp power_loop_start    #run for the next power

movl -4(%ebp), %eax     #return value goes in %eax
movl %ebp, %esp         #restore the stack pointer
popl %ebp               #restore the base pointer
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