Re: [PATCH 1/2] drm/msm/dp: postpone irq_hpd event during connection pending state

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On 2021-01-13 12:22, Stephen Boyd wrote:
Quoting khsieh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2021-01-13 09:44:24)
On 2021-01-11 11:55, Stephen Boyd wrote:
> Quoting Kuogee Hsieh (2021-01-07 12:30:24)
>> irq_hpd event can only be executed at connected state. Therefore
>> irq_hpd event should be postponed if it happened at connection
>> pending state. This patch also make sure both link rate and lane
> Why does it happen at connection pending state?
plug in need two state to complete it.
advance to connection pending state once link training completed and
sent uevent notification to frame work.
transition to connected state after frame work provided resolution
timing and start transmit video panel.
Therefore irq_hpd should not be handled if it occurred before connected
Sure that's what's going on in the patch but you didn't answer my
question. Why does irq_hpd happen before connected state?
I have no idea why it happen this way.
during debug
I saw two different scenario
1) irq_hpd followed by unplug with less than 20 ms in between. this one fixed by this patch set. 2) plug followed by irq_hpd around 300ms in between. it does not cause problem. but it should be handled in order (after connected state).

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