Re: [PATCH] arm64: defconfig: Enable Qualcomm interconnects as built-in

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On 11/03/2025 19:02, Christopher Obbard wrote:
> Currently some Qualcomm interconnect drivers are enabled
> as modules which isn't overly useful since the interconnects
> are required to be loaded during early boot.
> Loading the interconnects late (e.g. in initrd or as module)
> can cause boot issues, such as slowdown or even not booting
> at all (since the interconnect would be required for storage
> devices).
> Be consistent and enable all of the Qualcomm interconnect
> drivers as built-in to the kernel image.

I don't agree. If you want consistency, fix booting process and make
everything module. We switch them to builtin on exception, so come with
reasoning for given exceptions instead of making exceptions the new normal.

Best regards,

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