Re: [PATCH v1] drivers: clk: qcom: ipq5424: fix the freq table of sdcc1_apps clock

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On 3/6/2025 4:59 PM, Manikanta Mylavarapu wrote:
The divider values in the sdcc1_apps frequency table were incorrectly
updated, assuming the frequency of gpll2_out_main to be 1152MHz.
However, the frequency of the gpll2_out_main clock is actually 576MHz

Due to these incorrect divider values, the sdcc1_apps clock is running
at half of the expected frequency.

Fixing the frequency table of sdcc1_apps allows the sdcc1_apps clock to
run according to the frequency plan.

Fixes: 21b5d5a4a311 ("clk: qcom: add Global Clock controller (GCC) driver for IPQ5424 SoC")
Signed-off-by: Manikanta Mylavarapu <quic_mmanikan@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Kathiravan Thirumoorthy <kathiravan.thirumoorthy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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