Re: [PATCH v2 5/8] scsi: ufs: core: Enable multi-level gear scaling

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On 1/24/2025 2:02 AM, Bart Van Assche wrote:
On 1/22/25 11:41 PM, Ziqi Chen wrote:
We use memcpy() here is due to memcpy() can be faster than direct assignment. We don't worry about safety because they are same struct "ufs_pa_layer_attr" so that we can ensure the accuracy of number of bytes and member type.

The memcpy() call we are discussing is not in the hot path so it doesn't
have to be hyper-optimized. Making the compiler perform type checking is
more important in this code path than micro-optimizing the code.

Additionally, please do not try to be smarter than the compiler. Compilers are able to convert struct assignments into a memcpy() call if
there are good reasons to assume that the memcpy() call will be faster.

Given the small size of struct ufs_pa_layer_attr (7 * 4 = 28 bytes),
memberwise assignment probably is faster than a memcpy() call. The trunk
version of gcc (ARM64) translates a memberwise assignment of struct ufs_pa_layer_attr into the following four assembler instructions (x0 and
x1 point to struct ufs_pa_layer_attr instances, q30 and q31 are 128 bit

         ldr     q30, [x1]
         ldr     q31, [x1, 12]
         str     q30, [x0]
         str     q31, [x0, 12]



Sure , Let me try and test it. If works fine , I will update in next version.


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