Re: [RFC PATCH v1 2/9] KVM: guest_memfd: Add guest_memfd support to kvm_(read|/write)_guest_page()

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On Thu, 2025-01-23 at 14:18 +0000, David Hildenbrand wrote:
>>>> That said, we could always have a userspace address dedicated to
>>>> mapping shared locations, and use that address when the necessity
>>>> arises. Or we could always require that memslots have a userspace
>>>> address, even if not used. I don't really have a strong preference.
>>> So, the simpler version where user space would simply mmap guest_memfd
>>> to provide the address via userspace_addr would at least work for the
>>> use case of paravirtualized time?
>> fwiw, I'm currently prototyping something like this for x86 (although
>> not by putting the gmem address into userspace_addr, but by adding a new
>> field to memslots, so that memory attributes continue working), based on
>> what we talked about at the last guest_memfd sync meeting (the whole
>> "how to get MMIO emulation working for non-CoCo VMs in guest_memfd"
>> story).
> Yes, I recall that discussion. Can you elaborate why the separate field
> is required to keep memory attributes working? (could it be sorted out
> differently, by reusing userspace_addr?).

The scenario I ran into was that within the same memslots, I wanted some
gfns to be backed by guest_memfd, and others by traditional memory, so
that KVM can GUP some parts of guest memory even if guest_memfd itself
is direct map removed.

It actually also has to do with paravirtual time, but on x86. Here, the
guest chooses where in guest memory the clock structure is placed via an
MSR write (so I can't a priori use a traditional memslot, like we can on
ARM).  KVM internally wants to GUP the hva that corresponds to the gfn
the guest chooses, but if the hva is in a mapping of direct map removed
gmem, that won't work. So what I did was just intercept the MSR write in
userspace, and clear KVM_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES_PRIVATE for the gfn. But for
this, I need userspace_addr to not point to the guest_memfd hva.
Although maybe it'd be possible to instead reconfigure the memslots when
intercepting the MSR? Not sure where we stand on KVM_MEM_GUEST_MEMFD
memslots though.

But also conceptually, doesn't KVM_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES_PRIVATE kinda loose
any meaning if userspace_addr also points towards gmem? E.g. no matter
what we set, we'd get gmem mapped into the guest.

> -- 
> Cheers,
> David / dhildenb


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