[PATCH v2 7/8] scsi: ufs: core: Toggle Write Booster during clock scaling base on gear speed

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From: Can Guo <quic_cang@xxxxxxxxxxx>

During clock scaling, Write Booster is toggled on or off based on
whether the clock is scaled up or down. However, with OPP V2 powered
multi-level gear scaling, the gear can be scaled amongst multiple gear
speeds, e.g., it may scale down from G5 to G4, or from G4 to G2. To provide
flexibilities, add a new field for clock scaling such that during clock
scaling Write Booster can be enabled or disabled based on gear speeds but
not based on scaling up or down.

Signed-off-by: Can Guo <quic_cang@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Co-developed-by: Ziqi Chen <quic_ziqichen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Ziqi Chen <quic_ziqichen@xxxxxxxxxxx>

v1 - > v2:
Initialize the local variables "wb_en" as "false".
 drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c | 17 ++++++++++++-----
 include/ufs/ufshcd.h      |  3 +++
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c b/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c
index 741ddf3a0cb5..ae825da00791 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c
@@ -1395,13 +1395,17 @@ static int ufshcd_clock_scaling_prepare(struct ufs_hba *hba, u64 timeout_us)
 	return ret;
-static void ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, bool scale_up)
+static void ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err)
-	/* Enable Write Booster if we have scaled up else disable it */
-	if (ufshcd_enable_wb_if_scaling_up(hba) && !err)
-		ufshcd_wb_toggle(hba, scale_up);
+	/* Enable Write Booster if current gear requires it else disable it */
+	if (ufshcd_enable_wb_if_scaling_up(hba) && !err) {
+		bool wb_en = false;
+		wb_en = hba->pwr_info.gear_rx >= hba->clk_scaling.wb_gear ? true : false;
+		ufshcd_wb_toggle(hba, wb_en);
+	}
@@ -1456,7 +1460,7 @@ static int ufshcd_devfreq_scale(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq,
-	ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(hba, ret, scale_up);
+	ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(hba, ret);
 	return ret;
@@ -1816,6 +1820,9 @@ static void ufshcd_init_clk_scaling(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	if (!hba->clk_scaling.min_gear)
 		hba->clk_scaling.min_gear = UFS_HS_G1;
+	if (!hba->clk_scaling.wb_gear)
+		hba->clk_scaling.wb_gear = UFS_HS_G3;
diff --git a/include/ufs/ufshcd.h b/include/ufs/ufshcd.h
index 8c7c497d63d3..8e6c2eb68011 100644
--- a/include/ufs/ufshcd.h
+++ b/include/ufs/ufshcd.h
@@ -448,6 +448,8 @@ struct ufs_clk_gating {
  * @resume_work: worker to resume devfreq
  * @target_freq: frequency requested by devfreq framework
  * @min_gear: lowest HS gear to scale down to
+ * @wb_gear: enable Write Booster when HS gear scales above or equal to it, else
+ *		disable Write Booster
  * @is_enabled: tracks if scaling is currently enabled or not, controlled by
  *		clkscale_enable sysfs node
  * @is_allowed: tracks if scaling is currently allowed or not, used to block
@@ -468,6 +470,7 @@ struct ufs_clk_scaling {
 	struct work_struct resume_work;
 	unsigned long target_freq;
 	u32 min_gear;
+	u32 wb_gear;
 	bool is_enabled;
 	bool is_allowed;
 	bool is_initialized;

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