Re: [PATCH] pinctrl: qcom: x1e80100: Update PDC hwirq map

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On 24-07-11 11:37:57, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> The current map seems to be out of sync (and includes a duplicate entry
> for GPIO193..).
> Replace it with the map present in shipping devices' ACPI tables.
> This new one seems more complete, as it e.g. contains GPIO145 (PCIE6a
> WAKE#)
> Fixes: 05e4941d97ef ("pinctrl: qcom: Add X1E80100 pinctrl driver")
> Signed-off-by: Konrad Dybcio <konrad.dybcio@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Abel Vesa <abel.vesa@xxxxxxxxxx>

> ---
>  drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-x1e80100.c | 27 +++++++++++++++------------
>  1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-x1e80100.c b/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-x1e80100.c
> index e30e93840357..6cd4d10e6fd6 100644
> --- a/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-x1e80100.c
> +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-x1e80100.c
> @@ -1813,18 +1813,21 @@ static const struct msm_pingroup x1e80100_groups[] = {
>  static const struct msm_gpio_wakeirq_map x1e80100_pdc_map[] = {
>  	{ 0, 72 }, { 2, 70 }, { 3, 71 }, { 6, 123 }, { 7, 67 }, { 11, 85 },
> -	{ 15, 68 }, { 18, 122 }, { 19, 69 }, { 21, 158 }, { 23, 143 }, { 26, 129 },
> -	{ 27, 144 }, { 28, 77 }, { 29, 78 }, { 30, 92 }, { 32, 145 }, { 33, 115 },
> -	{ 34, 130 }, { 35, 146 }, { 36, 147 }, { 39, 80 }, { 43, 148 }, { 47, 149 },
> -	{ 51, 79 }, { 53, 89 }, { 59, 87 }, { 64, 90 }, { 65, 106 }, { 66, 142 },
> -	{ 67, 88 }, { 71, 91 }, { 75, 152 }, { 79, 153 }, { 80, 125 }, { 81, 128 },
> -	{ 84, 137 }, { 85, 155 }, { 87, 156 }, { 91, 157 }, { 92, 138 }, { 94, 140 },
> -	{ 95, 141 }, { 113, 84 }, { 121, 73 }, { 123, 74 }, { 129, 76 }, { 131, 82 },
> -	{ 134, 83 }, { 141, 93 }, { 144, 94 }, { 147, 96 }, { 148, 97 }, { 150, 102 },
> -	{ 151, 103 }, { 153, 104 }, { 156, 105 }, { 157, 107 }, { 163, 98 }, { 166, 112 },
> -	{ 172, 99 }, { 181, 101 }, { 184, 116 }, { 193, 40 }, { 193, 117 }, { 196, 108 },
> -	{ 203, 133 }, { 212, 120 }, { 213, 150 }, { 214, 121 }, { 215, 118 }, { 217, 109 },
> -	{ 220, 110 }, { 221, 111 }, { 222, 124 }, { 224, 131 }, { 225, 132 },
> +	{ 13, 86 }, { 15, 68 }, { 18, 122 }, { 19, 69 }, { 21, 158 }, { 23, 143 },
> +	{ 24, 126 }, { 26, 129 }, { 27, 144 }, { 28, 77 }, { 29, 78 }, { 30, 92 },
> +	{ 31, 159 }, { 32, 145 }, { 33, 115 }, { 34, 130 }, { 35, 146 }, { 36, 147 },
> +	{ 38, 113 }, { 39, 80 }, { 43, 148 }, { 47, 149 }, { 51, 79 }, { 53, 89 },
> +	{ 55, 81 }, { 59, 87 }, { 64, 90 }, { 65, 106 }, { 66, 142 }, { 67, 88 },
> +	{ 68, 151 }, { 71, 91 }, { 75, 152 }, { 79, 153 }, { 80, 125 }, { 81, 128 },
> +	{ 83, 154 }, { 84, 137 }, { 85, 155 }, { 87, 156 }, { 91, 157 }, { 92, 138 },
> +	{ 93, 139 }, { 94, 140 }, { 95, 141 }, { 113, 84 }, { 121, 73 }, { 123, 74 },
> +	{ 125, 75 }, { 129, 76 }, { 131, 82 }, { 134, 83 }, { 141, 93 }, { 144, 94 },
> +	{ 145, 95 }, { 147, 96 }, { 148, 97 }, { 150, 102 }, { 151, 103 }, { 153, 104 },
> +	{ 154, 100 }, { 156, 105 }, { 157, 107 }, { 163, 98 }, { 166, 112 }, { 172, 99 },
> +	{ 175, 114 }, { 181, 101 }, { 184, 116 }, { 193, 117 }, { 196, 108 }, { 203, 133 },
> +	{ 208, 134 }, { 212, 120 }, { 213, 150 }, { 214, 121 }, { 215, 118 }, { 217, 109 },
> +	{ 219, 119 }, { 220, 110 }, { 221, 111 }, { 222, 124 }, { 224, 131 }, { 225, 132 },
> +	{ 228, 135 }, { 230, 136 }, { 232, 162 },
>  };
>  static const struct msm_pinctrl_soc_data x1e80100_pinctrl = {
> ---
> base-commit: 0b58e108042b0ed28a71cd7edf5175999955b233
> change-id: 20240711-topic-x1e_pdc_tlmm-a6cd7a0f6cbd
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Konrad Dybcio <konrad.dybcio@xxxxxxxxxx>

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