Re: [PATCH v4 3/7] soc: qcom: add pd-mapper implementation

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On 3/11/24 16:34, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
Existing userspace protection domain mapper implementation has several
issue. It doesn't play well with CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE, it doesn't
reread JSON files if firmware location is changed (or if firmware was
not available at the time pd-mapper was started but the corresponding
directory is mounted later), etc.

Provide in-kernel service implementing protection domain mapping
required to work with several services, which are provided by the DSP

Signed-off-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov@xxxxxxxxxx>
I'm far from an expert on how this works, but to a non-expert eye,
there is nothing outrageously wrong.

One suggestion I have is to use cleanup.h and scoped guards to
save on some LoC


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