Re: [PATCH 0/2] arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc-d3-camera: Convert to DT overlay

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On 22/09/2023 16:11, Stephan Gerhold wrote:
Follow the example of the recently added apq8016-sbc-usb-host.dtso and
convert apq8016-sbc-d3-camera-mezzanine.dts to a DT overlay that can be
applied on top of the apq8016-sbc.dtb. This makes it more clear that
this is not a special type of DB410c but just an addon board that can
be added on top.

I also prepended a patch that cleans up the node names a bit.

Signed-off-by: Stephan Gerhold <stephan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Stephan Gerhold (2):
       arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc-d3-camera: Use more generic node names
       arm64: dts: qcom: apq8016-sbc-d3-camera: Convert to DT overlay

  arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/Makefile                    |  5 +++--
  ...nine.dts => apq8016-sbc-d3-camera-mezzanine.dtso} | 20 ++++++++++++++------
  2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
base-commit: 7236e86ce5c8198b01c30933c2334d07d877cf48
change-id: 20230922-apq8016-sbc-camera-dtso-f247bea40f99

Best regards,
db410c doesn't ship with a bootloader that is capable of applying a dtbo 
though, so this conversion mandates an updated or chainloaded bootloader 
or out-of-tree kernel patch to support.
__adding__ is fine but, converting implies imposes a new requirement on 
the bootchain.
Perhaps a middle road solution is to

- Add, not convert a standalone dtbo or
- Add a dtbo that includes the mezzanine dts but amends it

Option 2 for preference but, I'm not sure the dts syntax can be meaningfully made to do that.

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