The fairphone-fp3 has a drm_panel attached to a dsi bridge. This are added to the bridge_chain in struct drm_encoder in the order dsi, panel. When the drm_atomic_bridge_chain_pre_enable these get enabled in the order panel, dsi because of the list_for_each_entry_reverse. But the drm_panel of the fairphone- fp3 is enabled using mipi_dsi_dcs_write_buffer which only works if the dsi is enabled before the panel. To work around this one can revert commit 9e15123eca7942caa8a3e1f58ec0df7d088df149 Author: Douglas Anderson <dianders@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue Jan 31 14:18:25 2023 -0800 drm/msm/dsi: Stop unconditionally powering up DSI hosts at modeset This leads to a working panel on startup. But when suspending one runs again into a similar problem. When the bridges are disabled the dsi is disabled first which leads to a failure in disabling the panel again because mipi_dsi_dcs_write_buffer fails when the dsi is already switched of. As a simple workarund for both problems I have found it works to exchange the order of the bridge chain in drm_endcoder: diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c index 28b8012a21f2..990f7c68a27c 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/dsi/dsi_manager.c @@ -550,6 +555,8 @@ int msm_dsi_manager_ext_bridge_init(u8 id) if (ret < 0) return ret; } + /* swap bridges in list */ + list_swap(&encoder->bridge_chain, encoder->; /* The pipeline is ready, ping encoders if necessary */ msm_dsi_manager_set_split_display(id); But this does not look like a portable solution so I wonder if there is a better way to do this. The linux kernel used here is a linux-next-20220630, with several out-of-tree patches which are needed for the msm8953 gpu and the display used in the fairphone-fp3 located here: in branch msm8953_iommu_rebase_v2_wlan_modem_ipa_cpufreq_display_debug. Bert Karwatzki