Re: [PATCH 2/3] ASoC: qcom: q6apm: add support for reading firmware name from DT

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On 28/06/2023 12:53, Mark Brown wrote:
On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 11:26:20AM +0100, Srinivas Kandagatla wrote:
Currently firmware file name is autogenerated based on card name and model number,
however this imposed a restriction of finding firmware in a single firmware path.
Platform specific firmwares are normally located in sub folders of the SoC.

Provide more flexibity by reading firmware-name from DT.
Why not try a series of firmware names/locations generated using the
identifying information for the card/system?  That way we don't have to
There is no consistent way with the current state of what is available in linux-firmware and what drivers can generate from DMI, atleast with Qualcomm SoCs.
Example for x13s has all the firmwares are under 
qcom/sc8280xp/LENOVO/21BX for two models 21BX, 21BY.
However none of the DMI properties match exactly to 21BX or 21BY.

These have to be either derived from product name 21BYZ9SNUS or some other dmi properties.
This logic is not going to be very reliable, can differ across platforms.

All of the qcom platforms use firmware-name from DT to get the full firmware path with name.
I know this has scaling issues, but with the current state of things, 
its the only option I see.
put a filename in the ABI which has fun scaling issues.


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