On 09/06/2023 12:50, Jagadeesh Kona wrote:
Add bindings, driver and devicetree node for camera clock controller on
This is very confusing.
Your cover letter doesn't detail any changes and your individual patches
all say "no changes since v3", "no changes since v2"
If this is a RESEND then mark it as a RESEND.
Good practice is to for example add a note that says
"I looked at updating the yaml for the camcc but opted to do this in
another series" or "opted not to do this at this time" or "it doesn't
make sense because of X"
Could you perhaps RESEND this V4 with a log that explains what has
changed from one version to the next.
If nothing has changed then don't bump the version prefix with RESEND..
Second thought even replying to your cover email with the changelog
would do.....