On 23/08/2022 08:25, halil.karabacak wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have been trying to use CCI_I2C driver instead of I2C on my OV9282
with video4linux2(I want to see as /dev/videoX). However, I was not able
find much, but yesterday I found out
this kernel patchwork focusing on camss & camera drivers. I believe that
this patch also requires some other patches to work as intended on
kernel. Is there a way that I can use these drivers on my
5.15.0(5.15.0-qcomlt-arm64) kernel?
Halil Karabacak
Hi Halil.
Please give this kernel a try.
I've also included a defconfig there so others may pick up on the work.
To get the ov9282 to power up on the RB5 we will need to add in
regulator_block_dostuff() support as was done with the imx412/imx477/imx577.
* 3de9dc7f67731 - media: i2c: imx412: Add bulk regulator support
* 9a199694c6a15 - media: i2c: imx412: Fix power_off ordering
* bb25f071fc92d - media: i2c: imx412: Fix reset GPIO polarity
Also the polarity on the GPIO now that I look at the git log.
Basically right now the media driver doesn't support switching the
regulator on and we should make sure the polarity is correct for the chip.
I'd not expect the device to respond at all given it is not powered and
might be held in reset as is.
I might find a few cycles to poke at this if you don't get to it first.