On 2/24/2011 11:29 PM, Trilok Soni wrote:
Hi Steve,
@@ -130,117 +131,134 @@ static int msm_iommu_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
struct resource *r, *r2;
struct clk *iommu_clk;
+ struct clk *iommu_pclk;
struct msm_iommu_drvdata *drvdata;
struct msm_iommu_dev *iommu_dev = pdev->dev.platform_data;
const please.
I am not clear on what you mean. Please be more specific here.
+ iommu_pclk = clk_get(NULL, "smmu_pclk");
+ if (IS_ERR(iommu_pclk)) {
+ ret = -ENODEV;
+ goto fail;
+ }
I am not a big fan of this when you have the "device" around. You should just do
iommu_pclk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, NULL);
...error logic...
iommu_clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, "iommu_clk");
...error logic...
The pclk is a "special" bus clock and does not have a specific device
instance associated with it, so passing a device would not be
appropriate in this case. I pass the device for other clocks that are
indeed associated with devices, but this is not one of them. I suppose
we could create 11 or 12 aliases for the pclk and associate it with all
the IOMMU devices, but I would prefer to avoid doing that as I believe
the current approach is cleaner.
- ret = -EBUSY;
- goto fail;
- }
+ len = r->end - r->start + 1;
resource_size please.
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