On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 13:16, H. Peter Anvin <hpa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I just had an idea how to clearly make this type-safe as a benefit. You mean exactly like my patch already is, because I use the section name? Christ people. I am throwing down the gauntlet: if you can't make a patch that actually *improves* on what I already posted, don't even bother. The whole "it doesn't scale" is crazy talk. We don't want hundreds - much less thousands - of these things. Using one named section for each individual constant is a *good* thing. So really: take a good hard look at that final [PATCH 3/7] x86: add 'runtime constant' support at https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20240610204821.230388-4-torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ and only if you can *improve* on it by making it smaller or somehow actually better. Seriously. There's one line in that patch that really says it all: 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+) and that's with basically optimal code generation. Improve on *THAT*. No more of this pointless bikeshedding with arguments that make no actual technical sense. Linus