Re: [PATCH hyperv-next v4 1/6] arm64: hyperv: Use SMCCC to detect hypervisor presence

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On 2/19/2025 3:13 PM, Michael Kelley wrote:
From: Roman Kisel <romank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 5:43 PM



+static bool hyperv_detect_via_acpi(void)
+	if (acpi_disabled)
+		return false;
+	/* Hypervisor ID is only available in ACPI v6+. */

The comment is correct, but to me doesn't tell the full story.
I initially wondered why the revision test < 6 was being done,
since Hyper-V for ARM64 always provides ACPI 6.x or greater.
But the test is needed to catch running in some unknown
non-Hyper-V environment that has ACPI 5.x or less. In such a
case, it can't be Hyper-V, so just return false instead of testing
a bogus hypervisor_id field. Maybe a comment would help
explain it to someone like me who was confused. :-)

Thanks, I'll extend the comment to tell the whole story!


+	ms_hyperv.vtl = get_vtl();

The above statement looks like it will fail to compile on
arm64 since the get_vtl() function is entirely on the x86
side until Patch 3 of this series. As of this Patch 1, there's
no declaration of get_vtl() available to arm64.

I used my working branch for testing
and didn't move that code around when chunking into patches.
Will fix the workflow, thanks for catching this!

+	/* Report if non-default VTL */
+	if (ms_hyperv.vtl > 0)
+		pr_info("Linux runs in Hyper-V Virtual Trust Level\n");

Could this message include the VTL number as well? In the long
run, I think there will be code at non-zero VTLs other than VTL 2.

Absolutely, will add!


  	hyperv_initialized = true;
diff --git a/arch/arm64/include/asm/mshyperv.h
index 2e2f83bafcfb..a6d7eb9e167b 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/include/asm/mshyperv.h
+++ b/arch/arm64/include/asm/mshyperv.h
@@ -50,4 +50,9 @@ static inline u64 hv_get_msr(unsigned int reg)

  #include <asm-generic/mshyperv.h>


Thank you,

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