Re: [RFC PATCH] seccomp: Add protection keys into seccomp_data

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> Add the current value of an architecture specific protection keys
> register (currently PKRU on x86) to data available for seccomp-bpf
> programs to work on. This allows filters based on the currently
> enabled protection keys.

We're currently working on a feature in chromium that uses pkeys for
in-process isolation. Being able to use the pkey state in the seccomp
filter would be pretty useful for this. For example, it would allow
us to enforce that no code outside the isolated thread would ever
map/mprotect executable memory.
We can probably do something similar by adding instruction pointer
checks to the seccomp filter, but that feels quite hacky and this
feature would make a much nicer implementation.

Are there any plans to make a version 2 of this patch?

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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