Gerardo, thank you for your reply.
I do appreciate the problems of holding something back. While I understand this situation is not
sustainable in the long term, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to hold back a particular package,
of course in the process holding back all its required and dependent packages, while letting other
parts of the system update as usual. Of course eventually we'll reach some shared library that will
end up locking up upgrades across the whole system but I can make a decision then.
The reason I ask the question is because, although I've been working with Linux since 1996 (and
other Unices before then), I've managed to stay away from RedHat until about a couple of months ago.
Now I'm having to learn "the RedHat way" of doing things. I may still be proven wrong but so far my
feeling is that, frankly, if I have to contend with proprietary poorly documented incantations and
nonexistent support and still pay for the privilege, I'd rather go to Windows Server. But I digress.
On Ubuntu, you can tell apt to simply 'hold' a package and it will just do that. Does anybody know
of anything similar on RedHat?
Gerardo Juarez-Mondragon wrote:
In my opinion, there are two scenarios:
(1) the RPM was made by you of an application you wrote yourself or is
a third party RPM of a very specific application. In this case, being
an application 'off the distribution tree', it will never be upgraded,
except when you or the authors write such an upgrade.
(2) the application is a regular application, registered as part of
the Linux distribution. In this case the chances of it not being
upgraded are slim, because most bulk upgrades will find it listed and
act accordingly. Theoretically, you could manually upgrade parts of
your distribution omitting this one package. However, it will
eventually clash with some upgrade affecting a vital library. This
could happen in case (1) above as well, except for the simplest
applications, since most use shared libraries; you could get away for
some time though, by keeping your application using static libraries.
Again, this last only with scenario (1).
The only way I have found of making software in this condition work is
by not upgrading at all. This is the reason why you find some servers
with an old distribution and they cannot be upgraded, unless they
break free from the 'untouchable' software.
Hope this is of use,
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Yuri Csapo<ycsapo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does anybody know how to instal an RPM on a RH-derived system and make it
persistent so that future upgrades don't replace them?
Yuri Csapo
Academic Computing & Networking
Colorado School of Mines
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Yuri Csapo
Academic Computing & Networking
Colorado School of Mines
Phone: (303) 273-3503
Fax: (303) 273-3475
Email: ycsapo@xxxxxxxxx
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With a PC, I always felt limited
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