Thank you everyone for your thoughtful input and suggestions. I thought
I'd summarize the replies here so everyone could benefit:
Suggested technical solutions: I will be considering them all in the
near future:
- ACLs
- Limited root kernels: rsbac and lids
- Samba as opposed to NFS
- Don't forget to secure the network infrastructure
- Treat the network as untrusted and mandate VPN
Other kinds of suggestions: some people (correctly I think) have
identified this as not a technical, but a political problem.
- Hire a lawyer and try to fight it out
- Stand up for your rights
- Try to communicate with users in their own terms
Other comments: I appreciate them all and agree with most :)
- This will be a nightmare
- Don't do it
- Quit
- It's your job. Get over it.
Yuri Csapo
Academic Computing & Networking
Colorado School of Mines
Phone: (303) 273-3503
Fax: (303) 273-3475
Email: ycsapo@xxxxxxxxx
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