AFAIK that is not possible on Linux with the stock kernel nfs server. It
*should* be possible with the userspace server, but I'm not sure it's
supported. Maybe someone who has actually done it (as opposed to playing
with it) should comment.
OTOH it doesn't seem like a good idea anyway... NFS's performance is
really bad and what you're doing will multiply bad x 2. I know sometimes
you need to work with what you have but if your cluster is in any way
I/O sensitive you should think about getting some local disk space for
it, at least.
Yu Chen wrote:
I have a cluster, the disk space is on a Xserver, it's NFS exported, and
mounted on the cluster's head node without problem (mounted on
/mnt/nfs), then I exported the "/mnt/nfs" directory, then tried to mount
it on the nodes in the cluster (mount -t nfs headnode:/mnt/nfs
/mnt/tmp), it gave error: mount ... failed, reason given by server:
Permission denied.
my Xserver nfs exports entry has this: /Volumes/DataRAID -alldirs
-maproot=nobody -sec=sys -network -mask
my headnode mounted /Volumes/DataRAID on /mnt/nfs then exported as nfs
exports entry:
Anybody has any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
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