here's my entry for "ugliest bash script that would do the job":
ls -1A > file_list
while read line
newname=`sed -n $counter\p newnames.txt`
mv $line \"$newname\"
done < file_list
rm file_list
note: i didnt test this script - if youre gonna try it test it on some
dummy files first.
i would definitely also recommend stripping out the spaces. it just makes
life much easier. you can do this pretty easily by putting something like
tr \ _ (notice there are two spaces after the \) into the above script
when you create newname.
At 17:58 14.9.2005, you wrote:
vick Julius wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I want to rename files with the new names from a text file, names.txt:
> Brazilian coffee
> Canadian maple
> Korean car
> i want to use the following script
As Rick mentioned, you will end up with only the one file.
> I want to renmae all files (in *.doc) with the new names read from
> names.txt file.
> The problem is the names in the file names.txt have spaces...
The only way I can think of is you will need to use an array to hold the
file names, see 'man bash' search for Arrays. I think Perl would be more
like you friend here, or C if you can.
Another thing, spaces in *nix files just cause havoc; you would save
yourself a lot of future grief if you replaced the spaces with an
underscore "blah_blah" or something.
Maybe you can do something to this effect: while looping through the
names.txt file, do a 'ls *.doc' and mv the first file to newname.blah,
ignoring the rest. I don't know how you could do that, off hand, just a
thought, I still think an array would be easier. =P
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