Thanks for the suggestions about the problem on fc4.
- Guus: I ran a memtest and YES: I found some errors. So I guess I have to
throw away
my memory dimms (they are only 2 year old) and get new ones.
*** So this might be the answer to this strange malfunctioning ! ***
- Axl: thanks, I will run the tests you suggested if the problem persists
(bad blocks, check your dmesg and /var/log/messages for errors.
If there is a bad IDE CABLE then it would throw lots of errors in the
- Adam: I ran chkrootkit and found no problems. I have not run any virus
check yet. Have
viruses for Linux been reported?
About the diff: the files normally had different content but same size. If
I do further
tests and the problem is still there I will post the diffs.
I did the mirror with rsync -auv --delete <source> <target>
About rsync: I think there is some problem with rsync or scp. I still have
to find more information
on the net. Anyway, I have a problem on another system when trying to copy
a cd image from
a Linux account to my local Windows machine (that has cygwin). The file
transfer stalls at 99%
and I have to restart it. So maybe this is another problem that affects
scp and rsync and
I have to sort this out separately. At the moment I always transfer md5
sums of my files and
check them after the transfer, but this check should be performed by scp,
I guess.
About fc4 being unstable: I installed it in June (or beginning of July,
can't remember exactly).
Then I did a very stupid move (I guess): did a blind upgrade with apt-get.
The system became
unstable and I had to reinstall fc4 on another partition. I am not yet
finished getting all the previous
configuration on the new partition.
Anyway now I have fc4 with the packages that are distributed on the fc4 cd
Maybe fc4 is not stable enough (yet) for a production environment?
I want to run a server for a web application I am writing. Would you
suggest me to move
back to fc3 or fc2?
I have also considered moving to Debian (uses older versions of packages
and kernel and
should be more stable).
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