Dear subscribers, is there a possibility to mirror a raw device between two block devices? My intention is around creating identical/redundant contents of /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, both mapped to /dev/raw/raw1 for example. Background is the need to mirror an Oracle RAC voting disk between two storages. Network based sharing like DRDB or NBD is not what I am looking for. A hint for a direction where to look would be a great! Kind regards, -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Martin Klier PC-Benutzerunterstützung / Linux-Server Asset Management A.T.U - Auto-Teile-Unger Dr.-Kilian-Straße 11 92637 Weiden Telefon: (0961) 306-5663 Telefax: (0961) 306-9345663 Internet:
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