Can anyone please help me with a short example Perl script that will print out all the odd numbers between 1 and 10? I don't know Perl and am trying to learn it. I wrote a bash script to do the same thing and wanted to compare it. There must be a Perl expert out there somewhere who can help me? Thanks- Scott
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Smallsreed;Scott FN:Scott Smallsreed TEL;HOME;VOICE:775-849-8411 TEL;HOME;FAX:775-849-8412 ADR;HOME:;;3030 Chipmunk Dr.;Washoe Valley;Nevada;89704;US LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:3030 Chipmunk Dr.=0D=0AWashoe Valley, Nevada 89704=0D=0AUS EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:scott.smallsreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx REV:20040401T055438Z END:VCARD