Will you please attach the output of acpidump on the machine with the core i7 cpu? Please attach the output of every file under /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/dynamic/SSDT*? cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/dynamic/SSDT1> ssdt1 Please also attach the output of /proc/cpuinfo.
I have attached a tar file with these tables from acpidump and from the sys directory, because acpidump yields two tables more than available in the directory /sys/firmware/acpi/tables, also the directory /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/dynamic is empty.
I have included both versions from "default" bios settings and slightly overclocked settings (where the _CST's are gone).
Please also have a look on this little table I created from tests, imho that cpufreq does nothing when idle (which I'd expect when c states are enabled and the system is using these, but not when no c states are availabled...)
Also it suggests that the presence and or usage of c states doesn't matter much in power consumption (3 watts in idle...)
More in the next message to keep things a little structured.
Description: application/compressed-tar
results on very idle system, booted with init=/bin/sh frequency c states idle cpufreq=lowest freq idle cpufreq=highest freq full load cpufreq=ondemand overclocked 3.4 Ghz disabled by bios 108 111 190 2.6 Ghz enabled and active 100 100 170 default bios settings 2.6 Ghz default disabled in setup 90 92 150 default bios settings 2.6 Ghz enabled by user in setup 87 87 150