Dear Experts,
I'm trying to work out how to get console video out toggling working on
my ASUS EEE 901 (running Debian). I get the feeling that I may be the
first person to try to do this, and I knew almost nothing about ACPI
until a couple of hours ago. Can anyone help?
Output toggling for X works fine, but that doesn't use ACPI. If the
machine is booted with an external monitor connected, console VGA out
is enabled; if the monitor is not connected it's not enabled. Looking
in /proc/acpi/video/VGA/CRTD/state I see
state: 0x1f
query: 0x01
when the machine was booted with the monitor connected and
state: 0x0d
query: 0x00
when the machine was booted without the monitor. Following the advice
of an old ACPI HOWTO I tried to store 0x80000001 in that file:
# /bin/echo 0x80000001 > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/CRTD/state
/bin/echo: write error: Bad address
I had a look at my iasl-disassembled /proc/dsdt and found this:
Device (VGA)
Name (DONE, Zero)
Device (CRTD)
Method (_DSS, 1, NotSerialized)
If (And (Arg0, 0x40000000))
If (And (Arg0, 0x80000000))
Store (One, DONE)
I have never looked at this stuff before, but I don't get the
impression that it's actually going to do anything to the hardware
registers, is it? Am I looking in the wrong place? Based on that I
did try to store 0xC0000000 and 0xC0000001, and in this case there was
no "Bad address" error - but no output change either.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
I have put the complete dsdt.dsl here:
Many thanks, Phil.
(Please cc: me in any replies)
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