Power Management and Scheduling in the Linux Kernel (OSPM-summit) V edition April 17-19, 2023 Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Facolta di Economia Ancona, Italy --- .:: FOCUS After a couple of years break, OSPM is back! In a different venue. The V edition of the Power Management and Scheduling in the Linux Kernel (OSPM) summit aims at fostering discussions on power management and (real-time) scheduling techniques. Summit will be held in Ancona (Italy) on April 17-19, 2023. We welcome anybody interested in having discussions on the broad scope of scheduler techniques for reducing energy consumption while meeting performance and latency requirements, real-time systems, real-time and non-real-time scheduling, tooling, debugging and tracing. Feel free to take a look at what happened previous years: I edition - https://lwn.net/Articles/721573/ II edition - https://lwn.net/Articles/754923/ III edition - https://lwn.net/Articles/793281/ IV edition - https://lwn.net/Articles/820337/ (online) .:: FORMAT The summit is organized to cover three days of discussions and talks. The list of topics of interest includes (but it is not limited to): * Power management techniques * Real-time and non real-time scheduling techniques * Energy consumption and CPU capacity aware scheduling * Real-time virtualization * Mobile/Server power management real-world use cases (successes and failures) * Power management and scheduling tooling (configuration, integration, testing, etc.) * Tracing * Recap/lightning talks Presentations can cover recently developed technologies, ongoing work and new ideas. Please understand that this workshop is not intended for presenting sales and marketing pitches. .:: ATTENDING Attending the OSPM-summit is free of charge, but registration to the event is mandatory. The event can allow a maximum of 50 people (so, be sure to register early!). Registrations open on February 17th, 2020. To register fill in the registration form available at https://forms.gle/QbRhGS3HWXinKBZq7 While it is not strictly required to submit a topic/presentation (see below), registrations with a topic/presentation proposal will take precedence. .:: SUBMIT A TOPIC/PRESENTATION To submit a topic/presentation add its details to this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10AJFQporrCPH9Gn6-MaRotdfO4Hm4LG6dVAoDrQdj5A/edit?usp=sharing Or, if you prefer, simply reply (only to me, please :) to this email specifying: - name/surname - affiliation - short bio - email address - title - abstract - 30min or 50min slot Deadline for submitting topics/presentations is 10th of February 2023. Notifications for accepted topics/presentations will be sent out 17th of February 2023. .:: VENUE The workshop will take place at Univpm [1], Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Facolta di Economia, Ancona, Italy. The workshop venue is within walking distance [2] from the city center [3] and in general from the hotels/accommodation suggested below. You can reach Facolta di Economia by public transportation, via Conero Bus [4] (approx one every 10 minutes in rush hours) from the station (15 minutes to the venue). A map of the city center with the venue, transportation and food/drinks places is provided here [5]. A smaller map locating the Facolta di Economia is also available: How to reach Facolta di Economia [6]. For flights to Ancona, there are multiple options: - Flying directly to Ancona airport (direct flights from London Stansted and Munich among others) Ancona Airport AOI [7] Bus to Ancona city center from the airport Ancona airport shuttle [8] Taxi service from Airport AOI to Ancona taxi [9] - Flight to Bologna airport Bologna airport [10]. From Bologna Ancona is reachable by train, tickets purchasable from Trenitalia [11] (destination “Ancona Centrale”). Bologna Centrale railway station is connected to the airport by Marconi Express [12]. A list of hotels within walking distance from the workshop venue: https://www.grandhotelpassetto.com/ https://www.grandhotelpalaceancona.com/en/ https://www.seeporthotel.com/ https://www.thecityancona.it/en https://www.nh-hotels.it/hotel/nh-ancona https://www.hoteldellavittoria.it/it/ 1 - https://www.econ.univpm.it/?language=en 2 - https://goo.gl/maps/9GRDxYPnUYuBSh5h9 3 - https://goo.gl/maps/VGHaTsNi4GTgHGSj7 4 - https://www.conerobus.it/ 5 - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=135LJkfG6wq9rO2MoWPV2ofv1I2DfHvc&usp=sharing 6 - https://www.econ.univpm.it/content/how-reach-us?language=en 7 - https://www.ancona-airport.com/en/ 8 - https://www.ancona-airport.com/en/passengers/transportation/bus/ 9 - https://www.ctftaxi.it/?lang=en 10 - https://www.bologna-airport.it/en/welcome-to-bologna-airport/?idC=62175 11 - https://www.trenitalia.com/en.html 12 - https://www.marconiexpress.it/ .:: ORGANIZERS Juri Lelli (Red Hat) Daniel Bristot de Oliveira (Red Hat) Lorenzo Pieralisi (Linaro) Tommaso Cucinotta (SSSA) Adriano Mancini (UnivPM) Luca Spalazzi (UnivPM) Stefano Squartini (UnivPM) Emanuele Storti (UnivPM)